Episode 90: Is there a Purpose to Life?

  1. Allison is making lots of money on wall street as a daytime trader. She is independent and lives right across from Central Park, NY. The other day she partied with Mariah Carrey for a few hours. One thing Allison wonders is why her life seems like it’s a bit off. She’s contemplating dropping everything and traveling somewhere for a year. Should she do it or is she losing her mind?
  2. Rava is a great mother to 7 kids and has raised them to be very successful individuals. Since she has been so busy as a housewife, she never got to figure out what she actually enjoys. Is it worth it for her to find herself or is she better off continuing with her stay at home life since that is all she knows?
  3. Kristina is so happy she gets to do what she loves. Creating historical paintings made of thousands of macaroni noodles. She then donates these works to charities to help raise funding. This has led to Kristina working multiple jobs just to support her lifestyle. Is this really her purpose or should her dream job alone afford her lifestyle?


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