Episode 42: What Makes A Good Friend?

  1. Ash and Brock used to be fierce gym competitors. Brock was considered to be at the top, winning all his competitions. Ash came along out of nowhere and smashed all of Brock’s records. Being a nice guy, Ash was able to eventually befriend Brock without guile. Can this friendship last long since they both were against each other originally? 
  2. Sandra and Phyllis have been friends for a long time. Phyllis brought Bill along to hangout with them one time and he ended up telling her later, “why did you start telling self deprecating jokes earlier? “ that got you thinking that maybe Bill has a point. Should you continue hanging out with Sandra or should you reconsider your friendship?  
  3. Melody’s singing career started to take off after years of hard work and just the right music executive coming across her work. She's had to leave her old friends behind because they weren't concerned with the future and liked blaming the government for all their problems. Now that her work is circulating she's actually easily recognized any where she goes, so it's hard to meet new people that she can just chill-ax with. Where should Melody go or what should she do to meet new friends? 


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