Episode 318: Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries That Still Haunt Us
Scenario 1:
Aggarwal is convinced the mystery surrounding the fake moon landing will never be solved. If millions of people believe something is an unsolved mystery, does that make it the case?
Scenario 2:
Niccolò decided against going to college, instead intending to solve all the mysteries of the world. Once complete, he will write a book detailing his journey and the steps to solve any new mysteries. Do you think he has an attainable goal?
Scenario 3:
Troian watched a movie with his high-school classmates that talked about the mysterious disappearance of honeybees. Shortly after he created a subreddit called “Iwanttobeeleave”, that discussed possible alien abductions of honeybees. A user posted a novel on the subbreddit explaining that honeybees weren’t missing from the planet, they were just abandoning perfectly fine colonies that still had their queens. Should Troian spread his new found information to his classmates?
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