Episode 350: Do You Know Your Neighbors?


  • Scenario 1: Amaka and her partner travel across the country every week in their RV they purchased with their retirement stash, they kept under the floorboards of the house they inherited from Amaka’s grandmother. Do you think Amaka knows her neighbors?

  • Scenario 2: Zlatni was able to purchase a home in his dream state after graduating high school. He acquired a nice sum of money after a venture capitalist acquired his lemonade stand business which incorporates AI to force people to buy more lemonade. Do you think he knows his neighbors?

  • Scenario 3: Yayoi is preparing to bake homemade cookies for her friends, coming over in 1 hour. She realizes there is no more sugar though and the closest supermarket is 30 minutes away. Should she ask a neighbor for sugar or  go to the store and force her friends to wait for her to get back from the store before they can enter her comfy home?


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