Episode 327: Beyond the Obvious: 10 Underestimated Treasures of Life

  • Scenario 1:  

    • Kailash has 10 exotic vehicles that range from classics to technological marvels. She would like to acquire at least one more to complete her personal quest. Does Kailash underestimate the 10 treasures in her life?

  • Scenario 2:  

    • Tanija tells her boss she is treated unfairly and never gets what she wants in life. Her reports are always late with deliverables and often don’t complete the tasks at hand. Do you think Tanija is underestimating the treasures of life?

  •  Scenario 3:  

    • Niambi is able to point out how her neighbors have everything she should have. When she shows guests her home she is always disparaging towards everything she shows off, saying how her neighbors have the perfect home she dreams of. Do you think Niambi can look beyond the obvious?



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