Episode 326: Rewriting Your Story: A Journey Beyond Regret

  • Scenario 1:  

    • Telvin heard that the Cats broadway show was coming to an end after 18 years. He had signed up for a free tech conference that would prevent him from seeing the longest running show on Broadway. Years later he brings up missing the show to every new person he meets. Is it possible for Telvin to rewrite his story?

  • Scenario 2:  

    • Bershan is often called heartless because he quickly makes decisions and never has regrets. He cannot only choose between ordering a taco or burrito, but whether to approve the new recreational water park permit or not. Is this the way to live your best life?

  •  Scenario 3:  

    • Atatiana switched from a Samsung Galaxy phone to an Apple iPhone, because all her family uses iMessages. Now her friends make fun of her because she always berated people that use iPhones. Will Atatiana be able to journey beyond regret?



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