Episode 317: What's the Most Valuable Lesson Life has Taught You?

  • Scenario 1: 

    • Chai is a young adult not eligible for alcohol in the United States. She has not learned any life lessons that she can think of, but is planning a trip to Venezuela soon. Is Chai ready to travel outside of the country even though she has not learned anything from life according to her own self testament?                                  

  • Scenario 2:  

    • Willy has studied nearly every career field from medicine to journalism. Will he be able to choose one valuable lesson life has taught him or is it actually impossible?

  • Scenario 3:  

    • Opal believes she is living in a simulation, so thinks that she can’t learn anything in life since it is in fact not real. Can Opal have life lessons even though she is living in a simulation?



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