Episode 284: Should We Tear Down Confederate Monuments?

  • Scenario 1:

    • Ayatolla’s great great grandfather was killed by a confederate general whose statue stands in the square of his hometown. Should he push for the statue to be torn down?

  • Scenario 2: 

    • Ksenia noticed that the 10 confederate monuments in her city were being cleaned weekly of bird droppings and she wondered how this was being funded. Does it make sense for Ksenia and taxpayers to pay for the upkeep of defeated confederate soldiers?

  • Scenario 3: 

    • Madina has a family tradition of praising her military family members that fell in battle. She is thinking it would be great if her town would erect some statues to honor their great contributions to the country. Do you think it is a good idea to erect new monuments to fallen soldiers?



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