Episode 254: Is Work-Life Balance Really Possible?

  • Scenario 1: 

    • Berdimuhamedow earns a seven figure salary for a FAANG company, but spends maybe 30 minutes with his family of 7. Is this the definition of good work life balance, since he's providing the finances needed to raise his family? 

  • Scenario 2: 

    • Chimamanda wanted to put her twins in soccer lessons, but lacked the funds to do so. Would it make sense to take a greeting job at a local super store to earn the money necessary to put her twins in the soccer lessons. Or would this ruin her work life balance? 

  • Scenario 3: 

    • Gurusaiprasanth has been working from home for the past few years. He has been able to regain time with his family and friends because of the lack of a commute. An opportunity came up where he could earn double his current salary, as long as he is comfortable with a 2 hour plane trip each way to work. Would this be a healthy work life balance? 



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