Episode 248: 10 Things Not To Do When Driving

  • Scenario 1: 

    • Kinda was driving along in the right lane of a four lane highway in her luxury SUV, when a common car came up to her right trying to merge. Should she speed up to prevent the car from merging, or make another maneuver?

  • Scenario 2: 

    • Patricka is running late for work. She thinks if she cuts off people, does her makeup in the car, eats her breakfast in the car, and races through all the green lights, she can make up time. Will this tactic get her to work faster?

  • Scenario 3: 

    • Yateen just broke up with his boyfriend of 6 years. He wants to drive to a local lounge to blow off steam. Does it make sense for him to do this?


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