Episode 230: What’s Really Going On with The Great Resignation?
Wilfred worked at a large fast food chain that shutdown in person dining and furloughed 50% of its workforce during the height of the pandemic. He was part of those chosen. Once things started to get better they opened back up and told him to report to work. Wilfred decided not too, because he was making more money while not at work. Was this a good decision?
Hazel was a bartender for 3 years until her employer was forced to use delivery and takeout due to government ordinances. During her time off she started to sell homemade apple pies around her neighborhood. She really enjoyed seeing the pleasant reviews left by all her customers. Now that bars are offering sign-on bonuses, should Hazel go back to bartending?
Beulah is a manager of a large retailer. She has worked this position for the past 12 years, but feels she is overworked, underpaid, and her suggestions are overlooked. Is this a good time for her to resign?
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