Episode 192: What's All the Hype Surrounding NFTs?
Lionel loves collecting baseball cards and wishes there was a way to collect his favorite baseball moments. He found a website that trades NFTs for everything surrounding baseball. Should Lionel spend his money on this website?
Shavonna earned some extra money last year and wants to put it towards a good cause. Her friend told her about an NFT auction of her favorite celebrity’s first social media message ever. This made Shavonna almost pass out. Should she spend her money on this NFT or donate the extra money towards a charity?
Ashema is arguing with Trent over who owns the picture they both just took of a supersonic jet passing overhead. This was the first ever sighting for this particular model, so they are both very passionate about their standing. Ashema is threatening Trent that she will register her photo with a regional art company to prove her ownership. Should Trent worry that he will not own the first picture of this legendary jet?
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